Tips To Avoid Carpet Wear And Tear

You make an investment when you buy a good, high-quality carpet. Whether you've bought it for monetary and/or esthetic purposes, keeping your new carpet looking fresh and fresh is vital to you. The following suggestions should be considered:

  • Rotate (replace or switch your carpet) to spread the wear on your oriental carpet at least four times a year

  • Place your carpets and rugs on one side of the room and avoid putting them in front of high-traffic areas, including doorways.

  • Made of dense woven fabric or plastic sheets, carpet protectors. Keep in mind that this approach may be a risk for tripping.

  • Do not walk on your handmade rug wearing heels, especially stilettos, as they can pierce the carpet's holes, causing extreme damage.

  • Replace your furniture regularly and use castor cups under your heavy furniture to prevent the fabric being crushed forever.

  • Avoid direct sunlight on your oriental rug. Sun damage causes fading, premature aging, and can make the carpet lighter in some areas (especially if your tap is colored with natural substances). If this is not feasible, rotate your rug at least twice a month. Instead of stopping the fading process, this will create even, unchanging colors as it fades.

  • A dirty rug may show signs of premature wear from dust on the surface of the rug which settles down into the pile and accumulates if ignored. Vacuum in the direction of the pile to prevent damage from raising and spreading the dust.Be careful when vacuuming the edges, particularly the fringe (although we suggest that you do not vacuum the fringe area), and do not use the brush or beater bar attachment. These attachments can tear off loose fibers and/or deteriorate areas that were previously damaged / threadable.

  • To straighten the twisted fringe, turn the rug by moving the hand from one end of the carpet to the other, turning the rug upside down and straightening the fringe. If some remain distorted, do not brush or comb the fringe; instead, shake the rug gently.

Your Ancient Carpet

  • More often than not, antique carpets are made of wool or silk and are susceptible to insects. 

  • Search for cracks, webbing, and insect droppings under your carpets and rugs at least twice a year.

  • If any of these issues were detected, properly vacuum both sides of the carpet using the upholstery attachment with the nozzle protected with a piece of nylon storage; repeat for at least six weeks once or twice a week and check other parts of the house for safety's sake.


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